In the months and years following the apocalypse, "Tales of the Walking Dead" follows the unique lives of new and familiar characters. A prepper (Terry Crews) leaves his bunker and meets an unlikely ally (Olivia Munn); hostile co-workers (Parker Posey, Jillian Bell) try to escape Atlanta and each other; a mother (Samantha Morton) must revisit her violent past to protect her child; a settler (Poppy Liu) tries to convince a scientist (Anthony Edwards) that people need to take back the land from the dead; a man (Jessie T. Usher) wakes up with no memory, only to find he is accused of murder; and a traumatized couple (Danielle Pineda, Danny Ramirez) seek refuge in a secluded house.
Genre TV Horror
Label Madman Entertainment
Running Time 270
Region Coding 4
TV Standard PAL
Rating MA15+
Consumer Advice Strong horror themes and bloody violence
Year of Release 2022