Introducing the Bandai Gundam Infinity Collection, a celebration of iconic Mobile Suits that defines a new era for Gundam enthusiasts. This first wave showcases the Artemis, RX-78-2, XXXG-01W Wing, MBF-PO2 Astray, and Barbatos Gundam battle frames—each a meticulously crafted 11.43-cm figure with 14+ points of articulation and battle-ready accessories.
What sets this collection apart is its customizable nature, allowing fans to interchange arms, legs, torsos, and heads across all figures for endless personalization. As an exclusive bonus, each figure includes 'Build a Figure' accessories to construct the classic MS-06F Zaku II Mobile Suit, a rare gem not found in stores.
The spotlight shines on the RX-78-2 Gundam, the series' titular mobile suit that turned the tide in the One Year War against the Principality of Zeon. Dive into the Gundam Universe, where customization meets iconic design, with the Gundam Infinity Collection, a must-have for collectors and fans seeking the pinnacle of Gundam collectibles. Ideal for children aged 6 and older.
Set includes:
- Beam Saber
- XBR-M-79-07G Beam Rifle
- RX*M-Sh-008/S-01025 Shield
- Build-a-figure arm accessories for iconic MS-06F Zaku Mobile Suit